Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We're not CRIMINALS!

...in other words - our background checks finally cleared for foster care!!! I talked to our liscenser yesterday and we have an appointment set up for a week from today for our home study! I'm SOOOO excited!!!! Thankfully, we had a party at our house in the basement a little over a week ago - so all the rooms are finally switched around. Now I just want to do a little extra scrubbing (I know, not really neccessary - but I want to get it done anyway). Need to install our little magnetic locks for the few cupboards with harmful chemicals, put up the fire alarm in the basement, and sort/compile all the chemical things (deciding where what things will live). AND I'll be gone this weekend to my sister Anna's wedding shower! So I've got a busy week ahead of me. Busy, but SO exciting!!!!


  1. Congrats on not being a criminal! And I didn't know Anna was getting married. Give her my best!

  2. Will do! She's getting married 9/12.
