Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anna's Bridal Shower & Jewelry

Had a great (but SHORT) visit with Anna this weekend. Mom, Dad, & I left Kanosh around 10 am (UT time) and didn't get to CA until about 8:30. I've decided that I REALLY dislike CNG cars (natural gas). We had 2 seperate hour PLUS delays because of complications finding or getting filled up so we could continue our journey. But we DID eventually make it to Anna's house!

The shower was the next day & there was a great turnout! It was nice to see so many people that love Anna (since I'm so far away!). Looks like she's got some good friends. For the family side there was me, Mom, Esther, Sheri & her daughter Makayla, & Joanne. She got some nice gifts too!

One of the things we did was to stop at Michael's (craft store) to find some more beads to use for Anna & her bridesmaid's jewelry for the wedding. Found some beautiful things! I just got the prototype put together and just LOVE how they turned out!

(click to enlarge)

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